"We aim to share with you unprecedented love through economical and hear-warming accessories which are not only made by our hands but also by our hearts."
About Absolute Abubot
We provide you hand-crafted accessories by our resident designers. Absolute Abubot has designs that will surely gratify your type of personality. Absolute Abubot assures high quality products.
Absolute Abubot started as a fun idea for a school project. After we decided to continue on the project even after the semester did we started on joining school fairs and opening our online shop in Facebook. Unfortunately the business was short-lived. Now that school is gone and we have all the time in the world, we are bringing AA back, bigger and better than ever before!
We believe that women do not need to spend a fortune in order to feel good about themselves. Here, in Absolute Abubot, we will provide you quality, unique, and personalized fashion accessories at a reasonable price. We are also women who want to feel great about ourselves. We aim self-confidence and individuality. We are here to help YOU feel the same.
After all, we girls, should stick together right?


Contact Number(s):
Email Address:
List of Products:
We sell 100% handmade accessories wherein it is divided into different collections based on theme or designer. Some of the collections are called "Traveller", "Bad-Ass Beautiful", and "Shamballa".
- Bracelets
- Bangles
How to Order:
For Facebook, there are two ways to order:
1. Customers can comment "MINE" on the photo of the product that they want to purchase then we will contact then via FB for more transaction details
2. Customers can fill up the order form via FB message (Sample order form can be viewed on the Store Policy album of the page)
For Instagram, customers are required to fill up the order form.
- BPI Bank Deposit
Shipping Details
- Courier: Xend Express
- Fee: P60 for Metro Manila, P90 for Provincial
* Link to Order Form: https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid= 462875640449115&set=a. 462874263782586.1073741828. 282896081780406&type=3&theater
Previous/Upcoming Bazaar(s)/Store Location(s)/Sale Announcements:
Short History/Owner Profile:
Absolute Abubot started as a group project among college friends. After enjoying themselves while working on the project (and receiving high marks for it), they decided to pursue the project and make it into their personal business venture.
Absolute Abubot officially started as a business last May 20, 2013. So far, they have released 6 collections and are planning to expand this coming August to September in order to tap newer and larger markets.
Previews of Absolute Abubot's Website:
A preview of Absolute Abubot's Facebook page. Like their page to see updates on new products.
A preview of their albums where in you can see their products.
What does YELLOW BOOK think?
What I love most about Absolute Abubot is how they started. From a school project, they eventually became a business. I remember a popular quote written by Confucius, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." I guess that quote also applies to starting your own business, you should also love what you are doing/selling. Because if you have passion with what you are doing/selling you will never worry about hardships, you can also have fun while working/selling. I think that quote applies to this store. Yes, they are just a newly established business or a come back business but based from their history I can see that they have passion with their business and what is more fun than spending time with your friends while earning, right? It's always fun to work with your friends because you can share different ideas and at the same time bond with each other through the process of selling. Also, the idea of having their own albums per designer/person is a great idea, because customers would have a lot to choose from depending on the style per designer and their ideas would not clash with each other so they are free to express their own ideas. So, continue the good work Absolute Abubot. I believe that you can be successful through the help of each other.
Yellow Book's want-to-buy from Absolute Abubot:
This is from the album, "The Traveler", this definitely matches my style in accessories.
I love it <3 Will defenitly buy this soon!
Link to this product: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=464592920277387&set=a.463170947086251.1073741829.282896081780406&type=3&theater
If you're looking for affordable and handmade accessories visit facebook.com/AbsoluteAbubot <3
All photos and information courtesy of Absolute Abubot.
Hi! In behalf of Absolute Abubot, I would like to give our deepest gratitude in featuring us and in believing in our store. May you continue to help other aspiring business people and online stores. God Bless
Absolute Abubot
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